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How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World

Titre en français : Comment faire une tarte aux pommes et visiter le monde
Auteur :
Priceman, Marjorie


Nombre de pages : 40
Dimensions : 0.8 x 24.1 x 21 cm
Éditeur : Dragonfly Books
Date d'édition : 1996-09

prix TTC :
11,95 €


An apple pie is easy to make...if the market is open. But if the market is closed, the world becomes your grocery store. This deliciously silly recipe for apple pie takes readers around the globe to gather ingredients. First hop a steamboat to Italy for the finest semolina wheat. Then hitch a ride to England and hijack a cow for the freshest possible milk. And, oh yes! Don't forget to go apple picking in Vermont! A simple recipe for apple pie is included.