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Reign of Serpents

Titre en français : Le sang des dieux et des rois - Livre III
Auteur :
Herman, Eleanor


Nombre de pages : 336
Dimensions : 3.3 x 23.6 x 15.2 cm
Éditeur : Harlequin Teen
Date d'édition : 2017-06

prix TTC :
19,95 €


Prince Alexander of Macedon's mind has been touched by an incomprehensible evil, even as his betrothed travels from afar to unite their kingdoms against a terrible darkness that threatens both realms: the Spirit Eaters. From the distant shores of Illyria to a small deserted island, the deadly consequences of Smoke Blood magic loom and lost civilizations emerge to reveal the existence of a weapon that may do the impossible—kill the last living god. As magic rises and warriors clash, the fate of all Macedon rests in the hands of the unstable prince and those whose loyalty can no longer be trusted.