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Our Little Secret

Titre en français : Notre petit secret
Auteur :
Nay, Roz


Nombre de pages : 272
Dimensions : 2.3 x 23.6 x 16.3 cm
Éditeur : St. Martin's Press
Date d'édition : 2018-04

prix TTC :
25,95 €


Angela est interrogée par la police : la femme de son ex petit ami a disparu, et l'inspecteur Novak est persuadé qu'elle en sait davantage qu'elle ne veut bien le dire. Alors, encouragée par Novak, Angela va raconter son histoire. Une histoire qui commence dix ans plus tôt, au lycée de Cove, dans le Vermont, par sa rencontre avec HP, en qui elle reconnaît son âme soeur. Mais le récit d'Angela va révéler un sombre écheveau de trahisons et de pulsions destructrices, au coeur d'un troublant triangle amoureux.

They say you never forget your first love. What they don’t say though, is that sometimes your first love won’t forget you… Angela Petitjean sits in a cold, dull room. The police have been interrogating her for hours, asking about Saskia Parker. She’s the wife of Angela’s high school sweetheart, HP, and the mother of his child. She has vanished. Homicide Detective J. Novak believes Angela knows what happened to Saskia. He wants the truth, and he wants it now. But Angela has a different story to tell. It began more than a decade ago when she and HP met in high school in Cove, Vermont. She was an awkward, shy teenager. He was a popular athlete. They became friends, fell in love, and dated senior year. Everything changed when Angela went to college. When time and distance separated them. When Saskia entered the picture. That was eight years ago. HP foolishly married a drama queen and Angela moved on with her life. Whatever marital rift caused Saskia to leave her husband has nothing to do with Angela. Nothing at all. Detective Novak needs to stop asking questions and listen to what Angela is telling him. And once he understands everything, he’ll have the truth he so desperately wants…