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The Memory Shop

Titre en français : La boutique des souvenirs
Auteur :
Griffin, Ella


Nombre de pages : 384
Dimensions : 13.1 x 2.4 x 19.9 cm
Éditeur : Orion Publishing Co
Date d'édition : 2018-03

prix TTC :
10,95 €


Nora's world has been turned upside-down. Escaping heart-break in London, she returns to her childhood home in Dublin where her grandmother's beloved house is being sold. Nora has been left with an inheritance of treasured belongings, but no home of her own in which to keep them. Unable to bear auctioning them off, Nora resolves to stay in Dublin and open The Memory Shop, a very special business which matches each gorgeous object with a perfect new owner. It's not long before these objects begin to transform the lives of those they touch, creating new stories and new chances at happiness. As Nora lets go of a lifetime of treasures, she unlocks tantalising clues to her grandmother's mysterious past. But can she finally let go of her own...?