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Never Too Little to Love

Titre en français : Un amour grand comme ça
Auteur :
Willis, Jeanne

Illustrateur : Fearnley, Jan

Nombre de pages : 32
Dimensions : 2 x 21.6 x 12.5 cm
Éditeur : Candlewick Press
Date d'édition : 2013-12

prix TTC :
11,95 €


Pierrot Petiot a vraiment envie d'un bisou. Mais son amoureuse est tellement loin, là-haut. Comment faire pour l'atteindre ?

Tiny Too-Little loves someone who's very, very tall, and Tiny wants a kiss. What if he stands on his tiptoes on top of a thimble? What if he stands on his tiptoes on top of a matchbox on top of a thimble? Clever cut-away pages show Tiny's precarious pile growing higher and higher, while the object of his affection stays just out of reach. When the teetering stack finally falls with a crash, will his hopes be dashed? How can a tiny mouse get the kiss he needs?