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England (livre + CD) (Macmillan Cultural Readers)

Titre en français : L'Angleterre


Éditeur : Macmillan
Date d'édition : 2013-02

prix TTC :
14,95 €


L’Angleterre n’est qu’un petit pays : environ 640 kilomètres du nord au sud, et 480 kilomètres maximum d’est en ouest. Mais quelques-uns des plus grands écrivains sont issus d’Angleterre, et la plupart des sports les plus populaires y sont nés.

England is only a small country: about 640 kilometres from north to south, and 480 kilometres across its widest part. But some of the world’s greatest writers are from England, and many of the most popular sports started here. In England, you can find busy exciting cities, some of the oldest buildings in the world and also beautiful countryside. English society today is modern and multicultural, but the country also has an amazing and ancient history. And of course its language is one of the most widely spoken in the world. Welcome to England, where the first steam trains were built, where 100 million cups of tea are drunk every day, where people throw cakes in the air as they run, and where you can visit some of the world’s most famous sights.