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Titre en français : Autre monde
Auteur :
Segel, Jason


Nombre de pages : 368
Dimensions : 13.5 x 3 x 21.6 cm
Éditeur : Rock the Boat
Date d'édition : 2017-10

prix TTC :
19,95 €


L'avenir effrayant que Jason Segel et Kirsten Miller ont imaginé n'est pas loin. Otherworld pose la question que nous allons tous prochainement nous poser : si la technologie peut offrir tout ce que nous voulons, combien sommes-nous prêts à payer?

Welcome to real life 2.0. Are you ready to play? There are no screens. There are no controls. You don’t just see and hear it – you taste, smell, and touch it too. In this new reality there are no rules to follow, no laws to break. You can live your best life. It’s a game so addictive you’ll never want it to end. Until you realize that you’re the one being played. Step into Otherworld. Leave your body behind. The frightening future that Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller have imagined is not far away. Otherworld asks the question we'll all soon be asking: if technology can deliver everything we want, how much are we willing to pay?