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The Idiot

Titre en français : L'idiot
Auteur :
Batuman, Elif


Nombre de pages : 432
Dimensions : 12.9 x 2.7 x 19.8 cm
Éditeur : Vintage
Date d'édition : 2018-04

prix TTC :
12,95 €


Selin, a tall, highly strung Turkish-American from New Jersey turns up at Harvard and finds herself dangerously overwhelmed by the challenges and possibilities of adulthood. She studies linguistics and literature, and spends a lot of time thinking about what language – and languages – can and cannot do. Along the way she befriends Svetlana, a cosmopolitan Serb, and obsesses over Ivan, a mathematician from Hungary. Selin ponders profound questions about how culture and language shape who we are, how difficult it is to be a failed writer, and how baffling love is. At once clever and clueless, Batuman’s heroine shows us with perfect hilarity and soulful inquisitiveness just how messy it can be to forge a self.