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Dirt Music

Titre en français : Par-dessus le bord du monde
Auteur :
Winton, Tim


Nombre de pages : 480
Dimensions : 13.3 x 3.2 x 20.3 cm
Éditeur : Picador
Date d'édition : 2008-05

prix TTC :
13,95 €


Le roman de Tim Winton témoigne d'une rare puissance : la sensualité de son style, la poésie de ses personnages, la rudesse de ses descriptions font de l'histoire d'un amour fou un road-movie initiatique.

Georgie Jutland is a mess. At forty, with her career in ruins, she finds herself stranded with a fisherman she doesn’t love and two kids whose dead mother she can never replace. Her days have fallen into domestic tedium and social isolation. Her nights are a blur of vodka and pointless loitering in cyberspace. One morning, in the boozy pre-dawn gloom, she looks up from the computer screen to see a shadow lurking on the beach below, and a dangerous new element enters her life. Luther Fox, the local poacher. Jinx. Outcast. So begins an unlikely alliance. Set in the wild landscape of Western Australia, this is a novel about the odds of breaking with the past, a love story about people stifled by grief or regret, whose dreams are lost, whose hopes have dried up. It’s a journey across landscapes within and without, about the music that sometimes arises from the dust.