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Magic Maths Game


Dimensions : 8.9 x 25.4 x 19.3 cm
Éditeur : Orchard Toys
Date d'édition : 2020

prix TTC :
19,95 €


Magic maths est un nouveau jeu passionnant de mathématiques de Orchard Toys, conçu pour les enfants âgés de 5 à 7 ans. Les joueurs résolvent les sommes à tour de rôle et remplissent leurs planches d’ingrédients de maléfices pour les sorts, des cupcakes infectés par le ver aux cervelles et aux bogies!

We've taken the fun magical elements of our magic cauldron game and made them even better to create magic maths! magic maths is an exciting new KS1 maths game from Orchard Toys, designed for children aged 5-7. Players take turn to solve the sums and fill their boards with yucky spell ingredients, from worm-infested cupcakes to brains and bogies! once they have worked out the answer, the real magic begins rubbing the magical heat sensitive patch to see if their answer is correct. Featuring new competitive gameplay, fun wizard characters and a broad range of simple and challenging sums, this spellbinding game is bound to be a favourite amongst conscientious parents and budding Wizards!