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Kissing the Witch

Sous-titre : Old Tales in New Skins
Titre en français : Embrasser la sorcière
Auteur :
Donoghue, Emma


Nombre de pages : 240
Dimensions : 11,9 x 20,3 x 1,5 cm
Éditeur : HarperCollins Publishers
Date d'édition : 1999-04

prix TTC :
18,50 €


Treize contes sont déconstruites de ce qui est profondément familier et sont de nouveau tissés dans une collection de contes de fées qui remontent dans le temps. La célèbre écrivaine irlandaise Emma Donoghue révèle des héroïnes jeunes et moins jeunes dans des alliances inattendues - parfois perfides, parfois érotiques, mais toujours courageuses.

Thirteen tales are unspun from the deeply familiar, and woven anew into a collection of fairy tales that wind back through time. Acclaimed Irish author Emma Donoghue reveals heroines young and old in unexpected alliances--sometimes treacherous, sometimes erotic, but always courageous. Told with luminous voices that shimmer with sensuality and truth, these age-old characters shed their antiquated cloaks to travel a seductive new landscape, radiantly transformed.Cinderella forsakes the handsome prince and runs off with the fairy godmother; Beauty discovers the Beast behind the mask is not so very different from the face she sees in the mirror; Snow White is awakened from slumber by the bittersweet fruit of an unnamed desire. Acclaimed writer Emma Donoghue spins new tales out of old in a magical web of thirteen interconnected stories about power and transformation and choosing one's own path in the world. In these fairy tales, women young and old tell their own stories of love and hate, honor and revenge, passion and deception. Using the intricate patterns and oral rhythms of traditional fairy tales, Emma Donoghue wraps age-old characters in a dazzling new skin.