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Cat Kid Comic Club

Titre en français : Club BD de Mini Chat
Auteur :
Pilkey, Dav


Nombre de pages : 176
Dimensions : 14.7 x 1.5 x 21.8 cm
Éditeur : Scholastic
Date d'édition : 2020-12

prix TTC :
15,95 €


Bienvenue au Club BD de Mini Chat, où Petit Pistache, Flippy et Molly présentent l'art de la bande dessinée à 21 bébés grenouilles exubérantes, drôles et talentueuses.

Welcome to the Cat Kid Comic Club, where Li'l Petey (LP), Flippy, and Molly introduce twenty-one rambunctious, funny, and talented baby frogs to the art of comic making. As the story unwinds with mishaps and hilarity, readers get to see the progress, mistakes, and improvements that come with practice and persistence. Squid Kid and Katydid, Baby Frog Squad, Gorilla Cheese Sandwich, and Birds Flowers Tree: A Haiku Photo Comic are just some of the mini-comics that are included as stories-within-the-story, each done in a different style, utilizing humour and drama, prose and poetry, illustrated in different media.